31GKHP - predstavljamo pozvane predavače - prof.dr. Arnold B. Bakker

Arnold B. Bakker is professor of Work & Organizational Psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. He is the chair of the Center of Excellence for Positive Organizational Psychology, and visiting professor at North-West University and University of Johannesburg (both in South Africa). Bakker is fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, and the International Association of Applied Psychology. He is an expert regarding occupational health and well-being, and his research interests include JD-R theory, job crafting, playful work design, the work-family interface, burnout, and work engagement. Bakker is one of the most-cited scientists in the world (top-200 across all disciplines). Since 2014, he has continuously been included in Thomson Reuters’ list of “The World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds.”

Naslov predavanja:
Nothing is as Practical as Job Demands–Resources Theory

Sažetak predavanja: 
Kurt Lewin, a pioneer in social psychology, once famously noted that nothing is as practical as a good theory. In this presentation, I will leverage the Job Demands–Resources (JD–R) theory to illustrate the profound implications of this statement. Accordingly, organizations can prevent employee burnout and foster work engagement by providing the best possible work design – with an optimal balance between job demands and resources. However, employees may also proactively optimize their own work design and engagement. In this presentation, I discuss job crafting and playful work design – strategies aimed at proactively (a) optimizing job demands and resources, and (b) redesigning work tasks so that they are more fun and more challenging. I will discuss the results of our long-term effort to build a practical theory, and use various examples to argue that the combination of specific top-down and bottom-up approaches to work redesign is most effective in enhancing employee well-being and performance. I will argue that nothing is as practical as JD–R theory.

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Sri, 19. 02. 2025 00:02